Mother Teresa – Finding Joy in Serving Others

Portrait of Mother Teresa
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Spread the love Introduction: Mother Teresa, born AnjezĂ« Gonxhe Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, is an iconic figure in the Catholic faith whose life continues to inspire millions around the world. With unwavering devotion and an unyielding commitment to serving the poorest of the poor, Mother Teresa exemplified the virtues of love, …

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Holy or Wholly Catholic: Analyzing Decades of Progressivism Against Conservatorship in the Catholic Church

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Spread the love Introduction: The Catholic Church, a venerable institution with a history spanning over two millennia, stands as a beacon of tradition, faith, and continuity. However, the winds of change have blown through its hallowed halls, bringing with them debates and discussions about the delicate balance between preserving doctrinal integrity and adapting to the …

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