THE SPIRIT OF LEADERSHIP AND MENTORSHIP PT. 4 (The Wisdom of Elihu: Embracing Humility and Insight)

Light shining through a window
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Spread the love Introduction: The Character of Elihu: In the book of Job, amidst the discourse between Job and his friends, a lesser-known figure emerges – Elihu. Although younger in years, Elihu demonstrates wisdom beyond his age, offering profound insights into the nature of suffering, righteousness, and God’s sovereignty. His role in the narrative provides …

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Saint Peter Thomas – Navigating Faith’s Seas with Compassion and Service

Portrait of St. Peter Thomas
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Spread the love1Share Introduction: Embark on a journey through the life and legacy of Saint Peter Thomas, a towering figure whose influence on the Catholic narrative reverberates through history. Born in the 13th century, Peter Thomas embarked on a spiritual odyssey characterized by unwavering faith, boundless compassion, and dedicated service to others. Early Devotion: From …

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Declare this: “I shall live and not die!”

live and not die
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Spread the love1Share Exhortation: Beloved Brothers and Sisters, As we stand on the threshold of each new day, let us be reminded of the transformative power encapsulated in the resolute declaration, “I shall live and not die.” These words echo the finished works of Christ on the cross, where He triumphed over sin, death, and …

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Declare this: “I will fear No Evil!”

Jesus Christ protecting the little Chidren
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Spread the love1Share Exhortation: Beloved Brothers and Sisters, In the midst of a world fraught with uncertainty and turmoil, let us take solace in the timeless truth encapsulated in the words, “I will fear no evil.” These simple yet profound words, penned by King David in the 23rd Psalm, encapsulate a powerful declaration of faith …

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THE SPIRIT OF LEADERSHIP AND MENTORSHIP PT. 3 (The Guidance of Nathan: A Tale of Accountability)

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Spread the love Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to advice. Proverbs 12:15 (NRSVCE) Introduction: The Role of Nathan In the annals of biblical history, the figure of Nathan emerges as a beacon of accountability and guidance. His interactions with King David offer profound insights into the role of mentors …

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Jethro assisting Moses and the Israelites
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Spread the love (Embracing the Wisdom of Mentorship) Reference: Numbers 10:1-32, Proverbs 15:22 The Essence of Wise Counsel In the pursuit of effective leadership and fruitful mentorship, it is vital to recognize the wisdom embedded in seeking counsel from seasoned individuals. The journey of Moses, leading the Israelites through the wilderness, offers profound insights into …

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Saint of the Day: St. James of Tarentaise – Embracing Simplicity and Holiness

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Spread the love Introduction: Today, we delve into the life of St. James of Tarentaise, a humble and dedicated saint who exemplified simplicity and holiness in his journey. Born in the 12th century in the region of Tarentaise, in the French Alps, St. James dedicated his life to serving God through his vocation as a …

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SPEAK THE WORD PT. 9 (Fighting the Good Fight of Faith)

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Spread the love “Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12 (AMP) Dear Beloved in Christ, Our Christian journey unfolds as a vibrant narrative of faith—a journey not marked by …

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