Prayer for Helpers of Destiny

A man helping another man to get up. All standing in the palms.
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Spread the love Exhortation: In the tapestry of our spiritual journey, God weaves a beautiful design that often includes the threads of divine connections. The Scriptures remind us in Psalm 68:6 that God places the solitary in families, affirming our need for companionship along our path. As we embark on this prayer journey, let us …

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Prayer Seeking Divine Guidance

A man standing in darkness with a light shone on him
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Spread the love Pray in faith saying: Heavenly Father, I humbly come before Your throne, acknowledging Your wisdom and sovereignty. Your Word declares in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” …

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Light shining through a window
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Spread the love (Speaking the Right Word for the Right Result) Reference: Luke 6:45-49, Matthew 12:34-37 “…………..for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Matthew 12:34 KJV In the practice of speaking the Word, it’s crucial to distinguish between words that merely sound good and those that are genuinely right. Not every …

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SPEAK THE WORD PT. 6 (Activating Life in Every Situation)

Light shining through a window
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Spread the love Reference: Ezekiel 36:1-10, Hebrews 11 “Also, thou son of man, PROPHESY (Speak, declare) unto the mountains of Israel, and SAY, Ye mountains of Israel, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD” – Ezek 36:1 KJV In the narrative of Prophet Ezekiel, we witness a divine directive to speak life into the desolate mountains …

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The New Year’s Catch: Navigating Prophecies and Spiritual Insights with Discernment

A lighthouse on a hill against a sunset landscape.
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Spread the love Introduction: As the calendar turns and a new year unfolds, the collective gaze of many individuals, fervent believers included, turns toward the realm of prophecies and spiritual insights as a guide through the months ahead. Amidst this eagerness for divine revelations, the imperative of discernment takes centre stage, calling for a thoughtful …

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Light shining through a window
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Spread the love (The Power of Creation) Reference: Hebrews 11, 13:5-6, Gen. 1 “And God SAID, LET THERE BE…….and there WAS….” Gen. 1:3 KJV The Word of God is the potent tool that empowers believers to manifest extraordinary results in their lives. It possesses the inherent ability to bring things into existence. Understanding the profound …

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Reflecting on the Church’s Response to Changing Family Dynamics

A family of four.
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Spread the love The family, often considered the cornerstone of society, has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. Shifting societal norms, evolving family structures, and changing roles within households have prompted the Catholic Church to engage in a profound dialogue about its teachings and responses to these shifts. The Family Synod stands as a pivotal …

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Light shining through a window
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Spread the love (The Reality of the Word) Reference: John 17 “Sanctify them by the truth; your WORD IS TRUTH.” John 17:17 NIV The Word of God is Truth, not merely a truth subject to change or circumstances. Unlike scientific hypotheses that may evolve with time, God’s Truth stands independently, unaffected by external factors. In …

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